We left home with two scooters, and arrived with one (that's a whole other story, which I'll save for another time!) and set up camp. We then went looking for a nice place to swim, and when we found it, I just jumped in!
I guess Shannon has a sixth sense or something because she all of a sudden decided that she wanted her goggles, and refused to get in the water without them. So I waited in the water for her to get them, holding onto the side of the rocks as the waves pushed me up and down. My imagination started to get the better of me as I pictured Jaws coming up behind me and snacking on my legs.
Eventually, Shannon came back with her goggles. The fear was gone and she did a lovely swan dive into the water. We started to explore, swimming out into the open water to see what was there. We swam for no more than 10 seconds when Shannon, swimming beside me screamed something that sounded to me like "BRBWLY FISH!" and bolted it in the opposite direction. And I followed!
As she scrambled back up the side of the rock out of the water and I quickly followed, she pointed to the water and I saw an enormous jelly fish there in the water. It's body was probably bigger than a hula hoop. It had been literally inches from us, and had Shannon not had her goggles, we probably both would have swam right into it's tentacles. After a few moments to freak out, we were able to laugh about it, and then went to get the camera so that we could share the story...!
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